Korean drama (Hangul: 한국드라마), k-drama for short, refers to televised dramas, in a miniseries format, produced in South Korea. Many of these dramas have become popular throughout Asia, with growing interest in other parts of the world. K-dramas have contributed to the general phenomenon of the Korean wave, known as Hallyu (Hangul: 한류), and also "DramaFever" in some countries. (source Wikipedia)
K-drama's to me are addicting. I've always been a huge fan of dramas and foreign films, I don't mind reading subtitles :) and after listening to a few kpop songs and after a night of going through my netflix account I came across korean dramas. All I had to say was wow, way to open your eyes to a new culture. The first korean drama I watched was Dream High and instantly I was smitten :)
Being an American it was a bit hard in the beginning to follow and understand but once I got into it was a little easier. It was also easier to enjoy k-dramas more than american television. American television and Korean television have a few similarities but they also have a huge differences. I come from a generation of Saturday morning cartoons, v.h.s instead of d.v.d's, a time where we played outside instead of keep our head down and our noses in our cell phones. So kdrama's were an easy transition because they reminded me of what t.v. should be like. I'm not interested in watched young women with 80lbs of makeup on their faces and enough hair spray to keep a zombie still; or watch them prance around half naked. Some people like that but i'm not like most people. The one thing that drew me in about kdrama's is the fact that they don't prance around half naked, the girls wear makeup but its barely even noticeable. Plus the dramas rarely last longer than a season which keeps it fresh instead of drawing it out for 5 or 6 maybe even 20 seasons (like some american soaps). I would honestly recommend K-dramas to friends than recommend something like Teen Mom or even Twilight (lol that's a whole other post). So for now I will drown myself into the world of K-dramas.